Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well I am finally back

Well here I am back again I am not all that great at remembering to do this imagine that. So to bring you up to date. Alexander is now two and going 90 mph everyday. Travis and I are doing great we moved into our new house in August. I am not working at the hotel anymore and haven't been since the end of June. I worked at a nursing home for a while until Travis got his job at Symantec. So now I am a stay at home mom for now. I am taking my placement test on the 17th and then starting school on January 5th. Yay me!!! I am very excited. I am going to get my degree in early childhood education. Travis has Graduated from college and is working at a great job and loving it. His actual cereamony is this friday the 10th. Yay for Travy!!! Alexander is doing wonderful and becoming more and more complex everyday. He loves to be outside. If he could he would live out side. Some of his favorite things to do are: take our dog for a walk around the neighborhood, play on the computer, help mommy (clean, cook, and do dishes), he loves to play daddys guitar and sing with the music on the radio, and he loves the water. So now you are up to date,,,,,...... Picture is of Alex on his air bed with Deli our youngest kitty


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