Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OH my gosh it has been a long time.......

Well I know that is has been a very long time since I posted. I hope you all forgive me. I have been terribly busy the last few weeks with getting my house settled and trying to keep the roof from caving in. LOL. The weekend before Thanksgiving I took my first cross state driving trip by myself. Well kinda Alex went with me but a two year old is not exactly an intellectual talker. So you know. But I made it my entire family was scared to death and I had to make a million calls every town I got to. But we made it. I had a nice visit with my mom and the rest of the family. I saw quite a few old family members that I hadn't got to see in a really long time. But it all to soon came to an end and I had to head back to my life here in the suburb. My cousin Effie and her two small children came back with me to live. So my house has been slightly crazy. Then Zach our other roommate has his two boys on the weekend. which makes five small children and four adults in one house it is freaking crazy. There are days that I don't know what to do. Then since Friday Alex has been really sick with the flu. Which really sucks. Then day before last I seemed to have caught his bug so I am typing to you in my pj's from my bed. Needless to say it sucks but my cousin and room mate have been helping me out a lot.I am still trying to get the house ready for the holidays but seems like nothing is coming together. But that is how it goes in our house. I have pictures to post later of thanksgiving back home but I will have to put them up later as my camera is in the truck in town with Travis. Well I am going to sign off now so I can try to get some sleep and try to relax. Hope all is well in your worlds. May the spirit of Christ fill you this holiday season.



Blogger Becky said...

Oh dear, I sure hope that you two are feeling better soon. Hey...I thought you were bussing it to the other side?? I am glad you made it there and back safe. Many blessings!

December 10, 2008 at 12:17 PM  

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