Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well it has been a really long time since I wrote. Well to catch you up my cousin Effie got all butt hurt because we asked her to get a job or go to school. She decided that we where being unfair and moved out over night. Which I really don't care anymore she has dug her own grave and I feel bad for her children but they are not my problem. I have some happy news to report. Travis and I are expecting another child due September 14th. So we are really excited for that. The ultrasound was an early one to determine how far along I was so it is a guess right now that we are having a boy but not for sure. Travis has been really sick lately and not working so things are kinda tight around our house and on edge. But we will make it though we always do. Today is Travis birthday!!! Yay he is twenty-six today. Alex is doing good growing like a weed and getting smarter every day. His vocabulary amazes me every day. He is doing really good with potty training as well. I think in a few more weeks we could be just to night time diapers. At least that is what I am hoping for. But it will come in time I am sure. Well it just about time that I need to head into town so I am going to sign off of here and get dressed. Love to you and all of yours.


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