Saturday, October 25, 2008

Photo shoot slide show

So last sunday I went and had my pictures taken professionally and they came out really good. So I decided to make a slide show. I am really excited about them. Also there is music so have you speakers on. Loves to all. Sabrina

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So it has been a few days since I updated this thing. Well to catch you up. Travis did not attend his graduation on Friday. He was very sick and was unable to make it. So we didn't get to do that. So now we are all feeling better and the sickness has been kicked out. LOL. So now we are just getting the house ready for the winter. I am catching up on washing blankets and doing up all the bedding. Also I am getting ready for my cousin Effie and her two kids to move in with us. We are going to eastern oregon the weekend before Thanksgiving to get her. I am excited for her to move in with us. Her son is 27 hours younger than Alexander. And her daughter is two weeks old. She is just about ten months younger than I am. So we should be having a lot of fun and Zach which is our other room mate has informed me that he will have at least one of his boys each weekend so on the weekends we might have as many as five little kids running around in the house all from the age of 2 and a half to newborn. I am loving the thought of it. I have always wanted a whole mess of kids and now we are going to have it for the most part I still want to have a couple more of my own but I just might have to settle for right now. I have a feeling that there is going to be a lot of close to wash and a lot of dishes to wash. And a million toys to pick up every night but I am excited for it. Wel in other news I am taking the placement test for college on this friday. I am so scared and excited I hope I do well. Then on saturday we are going to the pumpkin patch and doing the hayride and fun things like that. Then on monday I have my New student Info session. And the registartion on tuesday. Wow it is crazy how fast I am making come together. Well life is coming together I am so happy.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lazy rainy days

Today is a lazy day in our house. Travis is sick so he has been home from work today. I have been doing laundry which you can see the big pile behind Alex in the video. I did get a chance to soak in a nice warm bath which was wonderful. It is one of those days that I felt like baking. So Alexander and I made an Oreo cookie cake. The video is of Alex helping me lick the bowl which is always the best part ;). He has a little bit of cold which you can hear in the end of the video. But that is what life is all about. I Love it though.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Here is a slide show that I made today on photobucket. That place is cool.

Well I am finally back

Well here I am back again I am not all that great at remembering to do this imagine that. So to bring you up to date. Alexander is now two and going 90 mph everyday. Travis and I are doing great we moved into our new house in August. I am not working at the hotel anymore and haven't been since the end of June. I worked at a nursing home for a while until Travis got his job at Symantec. So now I am a stay at home mom for now. I am taking my placement test on the 17th and then starting school on January 5th. Yay me!!! I am very excited. I am going to get my degree in early childhood education. Travis has Graduated from college and is working at a great job and loving it. His actual cereamony is this friday the 10th. Yay for Travy!!! Alexander is doing wonderful and becoming more and more complex everyday. He loves to be outside. If he could he would live out side. Some of his favorite things to do are: take our dog for a walk around the neighborhood, play on the computer, help mommy (clean, cook, and do dishes), he loves to play daddys guitar and sing with the music on the radio, and he loves the water. So now you are up to date,,,,,...... Picture is of Alex on his air bed with Deli our youngest kitty